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Vaccine Related

  • Why are our vaccine appointments restricted to animals under the age of 5?

    Limited Availability, Maximum Impact:

    Our vaccine appointments operate on a tight schedule, with limited slots available. We prioritize our appointments for shelter cats to facilitate their adoption journey.

    The remaining available appointments are dedicated to young and healthy animals, as they are at highest risk of contracting infectious diseases and require multiple boosters as puppies and kittens to ensure strong immunity. This allows us to maximize our positive impact with the resources available.

    While these services play a crucial role in your pet’s health, they do not enable us to establish a long-term relationship with your beloved companion. Please note that we are not a full-service veterinary hospital and do not offer after-hours care, diagnostic work ups or surgeries beyond the scope of spay and neuter for the public. As your pet ages, emphasis shifts from vaccination to whole body health, including dental care, joint health, nutrition and screening for age-related diseases.

    We firmly believe in the power of regular check-ups and comprehensive care provided by local full-service veterinary clinics.

    We encourage you to develop a relationship with a local veterinary clinic for the ongoing well-being of your pet, including regular check-ups, vaccinations, and the appropriate diagnostics for their life stage.